😘Print on Demand: Unlocking the Benefits of Modern Printing

2023-07-02T17:36:19+00:00July 2nd, 2023|Categories: Advertising, Branding, Business to Business, Marketing|Tags: |

On-demand printing, also known as print on demand (POD), is a modern printing method that allows for the production of customized items, such as books, apparel, and promotional materials, in small quantities or even a single unit. Unlike traditional printing methods, which typically require large print runs and inventory storage, on-demand printing enables businesses and individuals to print items as [...]

How Electronic Check Payment Processing Works

2021-05-23T15:44:55+00:00May 23rd, 2021|Categories: Business to Business|

If you are an experienced business owner, your customers may have used electronic checks in order to make payments. Since many merchants find this system difficult to understand, they allow their payment processors to take care of the technical aspects of the system. In case of disputes, the trader can do nothing except accepting the demands of the payment process. [...]

PCI Compliance and Why It Is Important for the Health of Your Merchant Account?

2021-05-23T15:22:04+00:00May 23rd, 2021|Categories: Business to Business|Tags: |

If your business accepts credit card payments either online, in person or over the phone your business needs to ensure it is fully PCI compliant. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard connected tech devices and icons applications (PCI DSS) came about on September 7th, 2006, and it mandates a set of requirements and best practices for any company [...]

Quickbooks Online The Best Accounting Software

2020-09-14T15:24:55+00:00September 14th, 2020|Categories: Business to Business|Tags: |

Widely regarded as the top accounting software solution for small businesses, QuickBooks does it all. Whether it's the affordable pricing, the various pricing plans or the elite features, QuickBooks is the dream accounting software application for small businesses. What can't QuickBooks do? The extremely popular accounting software application is used by small businesses across the country. Accountants are quick to praise the [...]

Is There Really Still a Demand for Printed Magazines?

2020-05-29T16:59:21+00:00May 29th, 2020|Categories: Advertising|Tags: , |

With so many publications being produced as digital-only, it's easy for the naysayers to continue to sound the "print is dead" alarm. But the reality is, print is far from dead, and as the following examples illustrate, plenty of publishers are embracing it. Publishing information about tech in print Take, for example, CNET, which puts out content about futuristic technologies. [...]

What Makes Packaging So Important?

2020-05-29T16:55:00+00:00May 29th, 2020|Categories: Advertising|Tags: , |

From the moment we wake up in the morning, we wake up to print. Toothpaste, shampoo, soap, skincare products…all come in printed packaging. Then it's on to breakfast with cereal, coffee, egg cartons, etc. And the day goes on. Everything packaged has print! Packaging is the unsung hero of the print world, influencing an estimated $2 trillion worth of retail [...]

Printing Your Custom Carbonless Forms

2019-09-30T16:27:30+00:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Branding|Tags: , , |

Having custom stationery or business cards printed for your company, store, restaurant or practice is that everyone understands the need for these commonly used documents. However, there is another option with serious marketing potential that many business owners tend to overlook: Printing custom carbonless forms. Carbonless forms, like those used for receipts or legal contacts, make orderly, efficient record-keeping a [...]

Office Cleaning Business Forms and Agreements

2019-09-30T16:13:57+00:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Business to Business|Tags: , |

Every office cleaning business has to develop their own sets of standard letters, business forms and service agreements. These can take a while to develop but once you have a basic form or business stock business form. Making only small adjustments to customize it for each case. This can save you a lot of time and make your cleaning business [...]

Creating Business Forms-All forms can have your logo

2020-09-14T15:35:00+00:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Branding|Tags: , |

Creating Business Forms-All forms can have your logo.  Some companies have their logo printed all over the place, and that's great for marketing purposes.  If you are already a highly visible company with a distinct name or brand, printing customized business forms is an inevitable step. Some business stationary covers the basics, such as envelopes and business cards, that the [...]

The Top Nine Marketing & Sales Strategies

2019-09-09T18:14:07+00:00May 30th, 2019|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , , |

Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “The great thing in life is not where we stand, but what direction we are moving.” No matter what business you work in, a “business as usual” mindset will insure your competitors are making more money than you are. If you don’t stand out from the competition you may find yourself stood up by your customers. [...]

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