Custom Florist Gift Cards Full Color


Type: Florist Gift Card
Size: 3 1/2″ x 2 1/4″
Print Area: 3 1/2″ x 2 1/4″

Your custom art will be used.
1-color to 4-color process, same low price.
Available with full bleeds.


Custom Florist Gift Cards

Upload Artwork

Create your own art and upload it here with your order.

(max file size 512 MB) Clear
SKU: FGC-625-1 Category: Tags: ,


Custom Florist Gift Cards

Your custom art will be used for this product. Please review the below section on how to prepare your files. You can also download a template to ensure your files are positioned correctly. Use the Upload Artwork button to submit your completed artwork.

1. Preparing Files for Printing

PMS® Spot ColorsArtwork colorized as specific PMS color to be printed.


Convert all files to CMYK color space, not RGB.
Preferred Rich Black Build
Cyan: 60
Magenta: 40
Yellow: 40
Black: 100

Embed and/or outline when making final file.

Additional information


100, 250, 500, 1000